La Casa Preschool

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Navigating Back to School During COVID-19

It is with great joy and excitement we announce that school is indeed going to start in person September 8!!  We remain steadfast that being “on site” and not “online” is the best option for children and is the optimal preschool environment for them in which to learn and grow.  We have been very busy preparing ourselves for the start of the new school year.  Be assured, we have a comprehensive plan in place (available for review at the preschool office) with proper protocols and procedures outlined to safeguard everyone’s good health.  To achieve a healthy environment conducive to allowing school to not only open but remain open, we will implement and consistently maintain preemptive measures at arrival each day, and adhere to thorough sanitation protocols throughout the day. 

Partner with Parents

First and foremost, we want to partner with parents in being advocates to produce the healthiest possible campus.  Parents are requested to assess their own child’s health each day BEFORE leaving home, including a quick temperature check to determine they are fever free, and other family members as well.  If there is any uncertainty about their health, it is best that the child stay home until totally well enough to be at school. 

New Drop Off Protocols

Upon arriving at school, our drop off protocols require participation in a health screening with a contact-less temperature check on all family members accompanying the students to class.  One entry point and separate exit point will allow parents to safely distance from others while escorting their child to class, to sign them in at arrival and then sign them out at dismissal.  Parents will not be invited into the classroom for the foreseeable future. 

Social Distancing and Face Coverings

Social distancing will be expected and assisted by demarcation of specific areas near each classroom.  Masks are required by all persons over the age of 6 years, but not required by our preschool students. 

Increased Hygiene Practices

As is our usual practice, teachers will monitor and encourage proper hand-washing techniques.  In addition, all high contact surfaces will be disinfected during the day.  The custodial staff will continue to clean each classroom, the restrooms and the office areas at the end of the day.  An EPA registered, non-toxic disinfectant dispersed through a fogger machine will add another layer of protection over all materials and surfaces each day as well.  Individual class cohorts will be established by keeping the children in each class together at all times and not integrated with students in other classes; that includes PE class, playground time and Lunch Bunch and Discovery Time. 

Monitoring for Illness and Handling Suspected or Confirmed Cases of COVID-19

Illness, Covid related or otherwise, will result in enforcing our school policies regarding exclusion from preschool.  Students are not permitted to attend preschool if they exhibit signs of illness, present with a fever, or have a health condition that is considered contagious in nature.  Permission to return to school is dependent upon being fever free, symptom free without benefit of medication and generally well once again.  Children who become sick while at school are removed from the classroom, made to feel comfortable and parents will be contacted immediately to pick up their child.  CDC guidelines will prevail in the event of a case of Covid-19, including quarantine recommendations.  Notification will be given to the entire student population. 

Save Return to La Casa Preschool

Together we are creating our own little LA CASA BUBBLE!!  It will take all of our collective efforts to maintain the integrity of this bubble and not let it burst.  It cannot be overstated.  The health and safety of all depends upon all of us doing our part.  Good decisions will make all the difference.  By staying well ourselves, we help others around us to do so, too.  Best advice:  stay home when you can.  For sure stay home when you are sick.  Stay home if you suspect you are getting sick.  Wash your hands thoroughly and often.  Wear a mask always!  Trust that we can still see you smiling behind that mask.  And we are smiling right back at you!!!

Yours in Christ,

Mrs. L